I was thinking about this little film I made around the release of Charlie Musselwhite‘s album ‘Sanctuary’ on Real World Records the other day and realised that today would mark ten years since we filmed the concert at Joe’s Pub in New York.
Some players, they have all their licks memorised, they think about what they’re going to play, but I try to think about what not to play. Tone and phrasing, that’s what’s important - less is more. The feeling, that’s the thing. Charlie Musselwhite
February 25th 2004 was a special night for many reasons, not least that Charlie Musselwhite is always entertaining and had put together a great band, with Charlie Sexton, Jared Nickerson and Michael Jerome. Another reason it stands out is that Hillman Curtis, who I had met when we were both speaking at the GRAFILL edit conference in Geilo, Norway, the year before had agreed to come along and help me out with the filming.
I seem to remember that Hillman had just acquired a new Panasonic camera and was, with hindsight, at the beginning of a journey that would take him on to make some really great films. If you look him up you can see much of what he made. Hillman was a lovely man and something of a serial achiever, but sadly he died a couple of years ago, so that night in New York was the last time I saw him. The blues of Mr Musselwhite are then particularly apposite.
Be consistent, respect your audience, and remember, God is in the details. Hillman Curtis
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